About Beacon NGO
About Beacon NGO
Beacon NGO.org is a 501(c)3 Delaware registered organization with nexus in California and Virginia; it is currently seeking International Organization status. The founders of Beacon NGO include a public and commercial sector leader from Salesforce.com as well as a recently-retired senior US partner and global ethics leader from Deloitte. Salesforce invested substantial resources to Beacon NGO’s predecessor organizations – and recognized the substantial progress and development with several international awards (stature and financial) – these benefits now inure to Beacon NGO.
Beacon NGO’s list of legacy collaboration partners includes the American Red Cross, A Humanitarian Innovation Lab, Salesforce Ignite Program, SitRep, Stockholm University and the UN’s Global Humanitarian Labs, amongst others

BeaconNGO’s premier technology partner is Kontur, Inc., which operates from Hawaii and New York. Kontur, a multi-level systems and software design and development firm, has been the engineering partner of the Pacific Disaster Center (PDC) for 17 Years.
PDC is an applied research center managed by the University of Hawaii under a collaborative agreement with the US Department of Defense (Undersecretary’s office). The Center has a global mission and, for more than 20 years, PDC has worked side-by-side with governments, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and humanitarian assistance agencies around the globe to help save lives and mitigate losses using cutting-edge technology and sound scientific practices that reduce disaster risk.
Kontur designed and developed the DisasterAWARE platform, served as the product manager as well as focused on research and development resources since the products’ origination.
Kontur embraces themselves with the vision and leadership in the current location intelligence revolution, with a strong domain expertise and reputation for innovative Location intelligence solutions and data analytics. Which leads to increased situation awareness and impact driven decisions.
Through its technology partners, Beacon NGO.Org is also developing an all-encompassing alert and notification system for citizen engagement; the plan is that this feature will ultimately be available for users of SCOUT/NICS. The expectation is that this application will be built to INTERACT / Cal OES’s (SEMS Technical Group on Alert/Notification Systems) specifications and will be able to plug directly into the NICS code. Furthermore, we expect that this will be a no cost solution offered to all jurisdictions in California and Victoria, and eventually other users as they opt in to NICS.